Page 361 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 361

18 April 2015 —
           Nothing ever rolls in this rock n roll hole and everything is
            stunted and lost. . . . And nothing really rocks n nothing
            really rolls n nothings ever worth the cost.

           Red Riding Hood           Rapunzel                    Envy

           19 April 2015 —
           This  is  a  work  in  progress,  in  the  very  early  stages.  It’s
            going  to  represent  Envy  and  be  1  of  a  series  of  7
            paintings representing the 7 deadly sins.

           30 April 2015 —
           My eyelashes have grown back long enough for mascara!
            I’m sure you’ll all be fascinated to know lol!

           2 May 2015 —
           Is there a virus going round? Or is this a Fibro flare up?
            I’m  really  weak  and  my  whole  body  feels  bruised  and
            tender.  I  can’t  stop  shivering  and  it  actually  hurts  to

           3 May 2015 —
           Bit Worried.... Been in bed ill for 2 days with what feels
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