Page 365 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 365

7 May 2015 —
           Hoooooh  Fuckinellswank!  UPDATE:  I  am  having  an
            emergency  operation  tonight  to  remove  the  infected
            implant.  Sadly  this  will  mean  taking  all  the  rest  of  the
            skin as well and I won’t be able to have another implant
            put back in even when it’s healed. Gutting! In the more
            distant  future  I  may  be  able  to  have  another  sort  of
            reconstruction using fat and skin from other areas of my
            body but that would be a much more complicated major
            surgery leaving scars then to other parts of me and i feel
            like  enough  damage  has  been  done  to  enough  of  my
            body  and  I’m  sick  of  being  butchered  about.  Anyway,
            this is the latest update

           7 May 2015 —
           I’m sat here gowned up on a hospital bed waiting to be
            taken to theatre, reading everyone’s kind words and doing
            the  final  pre-op  preparations  and  I'm  thinking  its
            STAGGERING  how  much,  you  really  want  to  lick  the
            sugar off a fruit pastel when you’re Nil by Mouth.

           9 May 2015 —
           No more piss-arsing about. Time to discharge myself the
            flock out of here!
            I’ve had to have complete breast removed now, they did it
            in emergency theatre on Thursday night about 11.30pm.
            My  surgeon  got  paged  in  when  the  emergency  theatre
            came free. I can’t have an implant put back in again so
            now I’ve only got 1 boob
           I’m  so  gutted.  I  never  had  much  self  confidence  in  my
            appearance or ability to "attract a mate" before but now
            I’m overweight bald and got 1 boob missing I feel like
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