Page 370 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 370

*my mind is racing with so many thoughts its giving me a
            head ache.
           * I really want to get back into making lots of Art but I
            have lost my confidence
           * I’ve got lots of ideas but I can’t pick 1 to focus on. I am
            worried that I will choose the wrong thing to work on.
           *  There  is  a  story  about  a  donkey  that  starved  to  death
            because he was standing between 2 bales of hay and he
            couldn’t  choose  which  one  to  eat.  The  donkey  would
            have  been  better  off  just  picking  any  1  but  he  died
            because he couldn’t make a simple choice.
           I  feel  a  bit  like  that  because  I  have  lots  of  ideas  for
            paintings I could do but I can’t seem to choose 1 so I am
            ending up doing none at all.
           * There is also a proverb that says "A Man who chases 2
            butterflies’  catches  neither"  -  which  means,  if  you  are
            trying  to  achieve  more  than  1  thing  at  a  time  you  will
            probably not succeed at anything. It’s better to pick 1 goal
            to aim for so this saying about butterflies also seems to
            relate to how I feel at the moment.
           All these thoughts and feelings are driving me mad and I
            wish  I  could  get  rid  of  them,  clear  my  mind  and  start
            being productive again.

           7 June 2015 —
           Trying to decide on a colour for my hair between very dark
            OR pale pink...? Purple does sound ace and dark pink too
            but  I  might  have  to  do  those  in  the  future.  Actually  I
            don’t really understand the doctors saying wait 6 months
            until your hair is "stronger". Why would it be "stronger"
            in 6 months? It’ll still be the same hair - just older and
            probably more dead ends. Or am I being a div?
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