Page 375 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 375
7 July 2015
I woke up this morning talking out loud in my dream
about "The Green Man"? I never thought anything about
it cos I always have weird dreams and talk in my sleep n
stuff. 1st thing I did was put a You Tube video on for
something to watch while I had my cup of tea. I just
clicked on a random suggested video on the home page.
Half way thru the video the narrate said "I was going to
do a little video about the green man but it was so short
I’ve just put it in the middle of this video - then there
followed about a 3 min video about "The Green Man at
the centre of our universe" Random coincidence.
I’m reeeeeeeaally struggling at the moment. I don’t know
whether these coincidences / synchronicities are linked to
that. My depression and anxiety is absolutely crippling
and I’m fighting it really hard with focusing on my Art,
approaching it in a fresh way, embarking on a new body
of work.... The inspiration for the piece in my profile pic
was inspired by Feminine energy and nurturing strength.
13 July 2015
Having donated my hair to charity n sold my soul to Satan
on eBay, I suppose this is always an option
My operation site is healing up. I got to let it heal for
several months before I can go ahead and have a
reconstruction done with my own body fat, tissue etc. It’s
very weird looking at me with 1 boob! Other than that
I’m not too bad - just having terrible hot flashes and
night sweats which are bringing on anxiety attacks and