Page 380 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 380

25 July 2015 —
           What the effing hell is happening to my computer?! I did a
            "refresh" cos it was running like a 1 legged crocodile over
            a cattle grid. I clicked on a button that said "Refresh your
            PC  without  it  affecting  any  of  your  settings  or
            programmes". Now I’ve got the computer back on and
            everything  looks  different,  some  of  my  short  cut  desk
            top  icons  are  missing,  I’ve  had  to  search  for  my  email
            provider and log back in and log back in to Facebook and
            the page I normally have with my Etsy shop, eBay, You
            Tube etc. all set out to click on has all vanished. Also I’ve
            had  a  message  saying  Windows  is  doing  something.  Is
            this all cos I clicked the refresh button? Or are Windows
            F***ing  me  over  again?!  Windows  H8  was  bad
   I hear Windows10 will download whether
            we like it or not.

           25 July 2015 —
           My BEAUTIFUL Friend passed away this week. I am in
            shock.  I  still  can’t  actually  believe  it.  She  was  such  a
            vivacious,  exuberant  person.  She  battled  breast  cancer
            (like  me)  and  she  sat  with  me  on  my  1st  ever
            chemotherapy  session.  I  didn’t  know  wot  2  expect  and
            that 1st session was agonisingly painful and sickening 4
            me. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have
            coped  with  everything  I  was  undergoing  in  that  1st
            session. She entertained me and comforted me the whole
            way thru and she was so alive! She looked beautiful - even
            though she was sat there having chemo herself & she was
            so  thoughtful  &  empathic  &  selfless  that  all  she  was
            concerned about was getting out of the chemo session in
            time  to  make  a  birthday  party  4  her  little  boy  &
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