Page 382 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 382
disappointed that about 98 out of 100 pieces of
information she passed on to audience members I could
see clearly how she could have figured it out, or I could
have worked it out (and I mean, there and then, on the
spot, based on people’s appearance and reactions and
obvious assumptions – not taking into account any other
“research” she could have conducted before the show).
I’ll give you just one actual an example;
LIVE SALLY SHOW EXAMPLE: A poor couple stood
up who had lost their little boy. I found it rather upsetting
because, understandably they appeared absolutely
distraught. Between them they were clutching a little boys
jacket and Sally said something along the lines “He is
saying, Ooh Mommy you’re wearing me. Does that make
sense? It might mean you have a piece of his clothing…”
The Mother looked amazed and said “We are holding his
jacket!” and the audience absolutely GASPED! And
oohed! as if in astonishment at this accurate remark. It
was as if it had not occurred to anyone that the couple
were standing there clearly holding what was obviously a
little boys jacket. No need to be a detective to reach the
assumption that this jacket had probably belonged to
their little boy.
When I was at the show, I was only thinking about
whether I or She could have worked out the information
there and then as the live show took place, but of course,
in addition to that there are lots of other ways she could
have gleaned information or made accurate statements
so, in answer to the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question
people seem to ask: “But HOW else could she know