Page 379 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 379

SHORT  ANSWER:  I  don’t  HAVE  to  put
            EVERYTHING on Facebook.
           LONG ANSWER: Please Do Not Worry! I am not being
            held  at  gun  point  and  forced  to  write  updates!  I  do
            CHOOSE  to  put  LOTS  on  Facebook  because  it  is  a
            massive help to me (and often helps others too) I don’t
            find  verbalising  easy  and  I  find  mixing,  chatting  &
            maintaining  face  to  face  interactions  with  people  really
            difficult but on Facebook I can easily write, rather than
            speak  whatever  I  want  from  the  privacy,  comfort  &
            convenience of my own home, or where ever I am, for
            FREE,  24  hours  a  day,  7  days  a  week  to  a  world-wide
            audience  including  all  my  friends  in  other  countries.
            Facebook enables me to express things I might otherwise
            struggle to express. I can use it as an outlet for the manic,
            racing thoughts that can otherwise torture my head to the
            point  of  migraines  and  physical  illness  so  it  is  a  very
            valuable, accessible tool for me.
           If anyone is annoyed, irritated or in any other way pissed
            off  by  anything  I  post  they  are  more  than  welcome  to
            NOT read it, NOT look at it, block my posts or unfriend
            me. If however you are being physically forced to read
            my  posts  -  perhaps  tied  to  a  chair  with  your  eye  lids
            clamped  open  in  the  manner  of  "A  Clock  Work
            Orange’s" Aversion Therapy scene I suggest you scream
            for help and unfocused your eyes to obliterate my words
            and the distress they are causing you.
           Actually its strange, often people who I never, ever hear
            from on Facebook come up to me and say "I love your
            posts / I really like reading your posts - but I just never
            like / comment"
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