Page 376 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 376

when  I  have  days  when  I’m  not  very  productive  I  get
            cross with myself and that can bring my depression on. I
            have  got  a  lovely  flat  though  with  a  separate  room for
            doing my art so things can be good.

           14 July 2015 —
           I  got  1  half  of  my  mind  saying  I  need  to  do  a  major
            cleaning spree and then my mind will be clearer and able
            to focus properly... The other half saying cleaning is just a
            form of delay and procrastination and it’ll use up what
            tiny scrap of energy I’ve got. It’s a straight up no score
            draw at the moment . . . .  "On your bike anxiety"....and
            depression....and  fibro  pain....and  fact,  it’s
            going to end up looking like one of them Circus Stunt
            Bikes with a whole Pyramid of people riding off on it!

           15 July 2015 —
           The inspiration behind this piece I
            love  that  feeling  in  the  summer
            when  it’s  really  hot  but  there’s  a
            torrential  storm.  The  hot  mist
            rising off the pavement after the
            rain stops. The pollen is in the air.
            The  drag onflies  in  the
            reeds....Those  are  the  feelings  I
            was  thinking  about  when  I
            painted  this.  Initially  I  depicted
            the  woman’s  face  emerging  from  turquoise  water,  then
            added  more  air  born  elements  like  dandelions  and
            butterflies, all in a white, shimmering haze that blurs the
            lines of physical reality into an ethereal mixture of water,
            air and mist.
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