Page 378 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 378
It seems too good to be true after being in the mental
health system for about 15 years the Psychologist started
the appointment by saying "I bet you’re wondering why
you’ve finally got this appointment out of the blue after
all this time?" I was rather! Apparently I’ve finally reached
the top of an "Emergency Waiting List" which I’ve been
on for a number of years but now I can have:
*regular counselling, *psychotherapy, *be referred to a
pain management programme for my chronic pain
conditions, *go on programmes to learn how to manage
the Bi-Polar, Depression, Anxiety etc. and even *utilise
my Art & Writing in therapy sessions with a qualified
Artist / Psychologist amongst more. It seems so too
good to be true that I’m waiting for someone to come
round the corner with a camera and a microphone
shouting "Gotchya!"
1 of things the Psychologist did was ask me how I had
coped in certain situations without killing or harming
myself without the aid of any medical input so that she
could share my "coping strategies" with other patients in
case it can help them. I Hope so. Anyway, I am feeling
positive and hopeful and start properly next week. . . . .
I’m going to try n put as much into it / get as much out of
it as I possibly can. I have a big tangled up yarn ball of
different symptoms and diagnoses now; Bi-Polar, PTSD,
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Migraine, I’m
hoping we can address individual things and start
unravelling it all.
22 July 2015
QUESTION people apparently ask about me: "Why does
she HAVE to put EVERYTHING on Facebook?