Page 383 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 383

THAT?!” Here are a number of ways, other than psychic
            ability, she could “know that”:

           The Internet: When you book tickets to a show you give
            your  full  name  and  address  along  with  your  credit  or
            debit card details. I imagine it would be possible to look
            up your audience members online ahead of the show and
            gather some info on them.

           Facebook: Some Psychics have a Facebook page with lots
            of fans who are “friends”. This means they could look
            up all sorts of personal info right down to little, personal
            details like favourite songs, jokes, pets names etc. etc.…

           Pre-Show: Before the show I went to, there was quite a bit
            of time where all the audience were milling about in the
            foyer,  sitting  around,  buying  refreshments,  looking  at
            merchandise  etc.  and,  of  course,  everyone  was  chatting
            the  whole  time  either  in  general  or  specifically  about
            hoping to get a message or hoping to contact a certain
            person on “the other side”. This could be listened to and
            recorded  by  staff  “spying”  in  the  crowd  or  via
            microphones & recording devices etc.

           Cold Reading: One of the ways you can work out things
            about people on the spot is what you call “cold reading”.
            This is a technique where you pay attention to people’s
            facial expressions, body language, clothing, their response
            to  what  you  are  saying  etc.  This  was  how  I  was
            attempting to read or see how Sally was reading people in
            the audience.
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