Page 386 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 386
get thru. I have just finally managed to get thru on the
phone and been told Dr can’t see me ‘til end of August.
Flipping place!
I know what’s happened. I have had the code and been
ordering my prescriptions online for ages but my
computer decided to re-set itself today so I bet it’s sort
of logged me out so to speak. Gawd knows what my ID
Code is - I guess I’ll have to get the code again from the
4 August 2015
I’ve just heard his Highness Stephen Fry say "Words fail
me" - Well there’s a first time for everything I suppose!
I feel angry that it’s taking so long for them to admit
cannabis works and to legalise it / make it mainstream.
People are dying in the meantime. I have lost 3 friends so
far this year to cancer. I used canaboid oils and I’m still
here thank God and touch wood. My Doctors were
absolutely staggered at how much my tumour reduced /
disappeared to the point where they said they had no
similar cases or precedents to compare me / my case to
or to guide them. I was a one of a kind case. Please God
let us start saving people’s lives.
5 August 2015
Tomorrow I am burying my 3rd friend this year lost to
cancer (and the effects of mainstream cancer treatment)
and I am getting very angry that the powers that be are
still dragging their feet, kicking and screaming away from
using cannabis oil as a treatment. I am having a good
hard think about what practical, effective action I can
take to help speed up the approval of cannabis oil as a