Page 391 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 391
27 August 2015
2 appointments, 1 Doctor, 1 Nurse and 6 attempts to get a
vein for my blood tests, Chemo seems to have totally
knackered them!
30 August 2015
Trapped in a horrendous nightmare this morning and took
about 2 hours fighting to wake up and escape from it.
Now I can still feel it. Ew horrible. Looking forward to
learning techniques to rid myself of these things and
having sleep I wake up refreshed from rather than sleep I
wake feeling disturbed and exhausted from
30 August 2015
This is an ongoing thing to do. I think one of the main
difficulties with having Fibromyalgia or any other
"invisible" illness is that people simply cant believe you
really feel ill and in pain all the time / every day for years.
. . I am just honest each day about how I feel, how well
I’m feeling or how much pain I’m in.
2 September 2015
"Where the Fae Play?” Multi
layered mixed media on canvas.
6 September 2015
I love autumn from an aesthetic
point of view, I love the colours
and all the fall inspired arts n
crafts I can create but I also feel
a sense of dread. It’s only going
to get worse before it gets better