Page 396 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 396

people  have  to  flee  the  country  and  kidnap  their  own
            children  to  get  better  treatment  in  other  countries?
            Sometimes  I  feel  like  we  are  just  throwing  money  at  a
            problem as a way of feeling there’s something we can do
            but  often  money  alone  doesn’t  solve  problems.  It  feels
            like a classic Problem - Reaction - Solution approach. I
            know  everyone  genuinely  cares  and  genuinely  wants  to
            help but I just feel we should be getting something other
            than relentless RA RA! Requests for us to throw money
            into a seemingly bottomless pit so I shall look into this
            and  find  out  what  else  we  can  do  and  where  all  the
            money is going and report back........

           If you’re still not getting my message - picture me bleeding
            from various orifices, spitting up sick and blood, trying to
            come to terms with the fact I can never have children,
            crying, lying on the floor in a pool of my own sweat, with
            huge bald patches on my head, blistered skin peeling off
            my legs and one side of my chest devoid of a breast - just
            a  huge  ugly  scar  and  then  -  also  in  the  bathroom  all
            around  me  -  a  group  of  pink  clad  women  waving
            balloons  and  streamers  and  dancing  frenziedly  to
            "Celebration" by Cool and The Gang.

           20 September 2015 —
           As we go into October - Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
            (Just because something is pink or has a pink ribbon on it
            doesn’t  mean  it’s  a  good  thing  -  or  even  goes  to  help
            anyone  with  breast  cancer  or  preventing  people  from
            getting  breast  cancer.  Always  take  a  closer  look  into
            exactly  what  products  you’re  buying  and  exactly  where
            the money goes. More info to follow on my blog.........)
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