Page 397 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 397

22 September 2015 —
           Today I would like to come out of the closet as a Fanilow!
            I would LOVE to see him live. Don’t worry I am having
            a course of tablets and psychotherapy.

           23 September 2015 —
           Oh my "Favourite" people up to their old ticks again. "Big
            Pharma" Drug company causes outcry as it puts 5,500%
            profit on medication. $750 for a pill that cost $13

           24 September 2015 —
           Another  altered  book  I’ve  cre-
            ated.  This  time  for  someone
            who  likes  Owls.  I  will  start
            selling these on my Etsy shop.
            Some ready made to buy and
            the option to order a bespoke
            one  made  to  order.  "Who  stuffed  that  white  owl?"  No
            one  spoke  in  the  shop!  The  barber  was  busy,  and  he
            couldn't stop!

           26 September 2015 —
           How do I hate thee Redditch, let me count the ways...? I
            only  go  to  Redditch  when  I’ve  exhausted  all  other
            options n not got what I need. I had to go today. What a
            shit  pit.  I  felt  like  I  was  in  Shawn  of  the  Dead,
            surrounded  by  under-biting,  knuckle  dragging,  chavs
            drooling  over  Gregg’s  pastries  and  communicating  in  a
            series  of  groans.  There’s  an  Ed’s  Diner  which  is  like  a
            parody  /  piss  take  version  of  the  real  thing.  In
            Birmingham they bowl up to your happy n smiling with a
            can do attitude exuding charisma and they even page you
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