Page 398 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 398

when your table is ready? In Redditch you stand there like
            a  twat  until  some  spotty  kid  finally  sidles  over  n  says
            "You’re going to have a long wait for a table" He even
            refused to reserve a table for me so I told them to shove
            it. I only managed to get 1 out of the 5 things I needed. I
            lost count of the number of times I heard the line "We
            don’t do it in the Redditch branch". I brought a big, gold
            box of chocolates for my nephew and when I got home I
            discovered it’s been opened and half the chocolates are
            missing....  That  pretty  much  summed  up  the  day  really.
            Welcome  to  Redditch  Twinned  with  Face  palm.  Please
            turn  your  watches  back  to  1976  and  lower  your

           26 September 2015 —
           Just saw a chair on Amazon that offers:
           "Unravelled" comfort, suggests you "put your feet up and
            distress",  is  "fully  fire  retarded"  and  finally  it  is  "fitted
            with a ball tensioner". Well, MY balls are tense!

           30 September 2015 —
           Some of my ideas prove much harder than I imagine. I’m
            currently  struggling  to  create  a  3D  dress  of  paper  to
            emerge  from  an  altered  Art  book.  I  hope  I  eventually
            succeed and once I’ve learned all the "do’s and don’ts" I’ll
            be  able  to  create  all  different  versions;  A  Cinderella  an
            Alice in Wonderland a Wicked Witch.... If I succeed I will
            post the results here but so far, so difficult!
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