Page 395 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 395

"shot"  but  I  won’t  change  it  ‘cos  it  must’ve  been  a
            Freudian  slip)  I’ve  seen  bigger  (and  more  glamorous)
            sand pits in Council play areas.

           17 September 2015 —
           God I’m sick of all this random, pink silliness in the name
            of  "Cancer  Research".  When  people  are  affected  by
            cancer it can leave them feeling desperate for something
            they  can  actually  DO  to  help  and  Breast  Cancer  in
            particular  seems  to  be  taking  advantage  of  this  -  they
            must  be  making  millions  -  and  they  must  be  spending
            millions£  on  advertising.  Every  other  advert  is  some
            group  of  women  who  look  like  Barbara  Cartland  has
            thrown up on them encouraging people to bake cakes n
            do  fun  runs  and  Wang  wellies  in  the  name  of  cancer
            research. 1st of all it shouldn’t be so pink and hysterical
            and  girly.  The  last  thing  you  want  when  you’re  going
            through  chemo  is  a  load  of  screaming  women  in  50
            shades of pink making breast cancer look like the most
            fun you can have outside Alton Towers. "oddly one of
            the  most  important  things  we  need  to  do  about  breast
            cancer is raise awareness that it can affect Men as well &
            I don’t think pink bows are the way to do that. Also, I
            think we should be hearing more about exactly where all
            these millions upon millions of pounds are going? Exact-
            ly  what  have  we  achieved  in  the  past  10  years?  What
            NEW or DIFFERENT treatments have we discovered?
            Why has cancer gone from 1 in 100 to 1 in 2? What Head
            way are we making on legalising cannabis which has been
            shown to be massively effective? Why aren’t we utilising
            photon  therapy  and  antineoplastic  therapy?  Why  do
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