Page 390 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 390

Finally  it  said  the  gun  man,  who  turned  the  gun  on
            himself  was  "suffering  from  a  fatal  gunshot  wound"
            shortly before he died. Well, no shit Sherlock!

           The random "Life-Style Tips" type article next to it wasn’t
            much  better.  What  an  absolute  crock  of  shite  most  of
            those are. This one was "TIPS & TRICKS TO AVOID
            COMMON BEAUTY MISTAKES" and included gems
            of wisdom such as
           *Tired  of  accidentally  applying  blusher  instead  of  face
            power? (Mmm, no not really) Try labelling your make up
            pots. (TF? Yeh! ‘cos it’s a long standing nightmare how
            make  up  is  always  sold  in  totally  blank  containers  so
            you’re clueless as to what you’re putting on your face)
           *Realize you’ve only done eye make up on 1 of your eyes
            and forgotten the other? (no) Carry make-up around so
            you can apply it because it’s better to have make-up on
            both eyes than just one. (Oh! Genius!)
           *False eyelashes falling off? Try pressing them onto your
            eyelids with slanted tweezers (Slanted Tweezers!? is that a
            synonym  for  sharp,  pointy  tweezers?)  instead  of  your
            fingers.  (Cos  it’s  always  best  to  "press"  sharp,  metal,
            slanted  objects  into  your  eyes...and  while  we’re  at  it
            "always run with scissors")
           *Realize you only made up your face and forgot to blend
            down your neck? (erm. nope) Always do your make up in
            the light so you can spot mistakes. (Oh well thanks for
            that!  All  these  years  I’ve  been  randomly  applying
            cosmetics in pitch darkness before switching the lights on
            to reveal an horrific, upside down clown face FFS!) It’s all
            part of the Idiot Apocalypse.
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