Page 389 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 389

25 August 2015 —
           Following  a  conversation  with  my  Psychologist  today  I
            would really appreciate people sharing their thoughts on
            the following question; APART FROM MONETARY -
            WHAT  VALUE  DOES  ART  HAVE  or  PROVIDE?
            What value does Art give to someone who looks at it /
            experiences  it  or  displays  it?  What  value  do  people  get
            from viewing art or buying it? What Value does Art give
            people?  (Examples  might  include  things  like;  Pleasure,
            comfort, self-expression etc.)

           26 August 2015 —
           First Christmas song of the year! Aaaaaaarrrrgh! And it’s
            in the doctor’s surgery. They’ve also played "Vincent" so
            all those who have come in with depression might finally
            be pushed over the edge.
           No wonder my nephews are confused about that annual
            holiday  where  we  carve  Jesus  out  of  pumpkins  and
            decorate pine trees with chocolate eggs before dressing a
            Guy  Fawkes  in  back-to-school  gear  to  throw  him  on
            thanks-giving  "bum”  fires  outside  the  harvest  festival
            wearing scream masks.

           27 August 2015 —
           Just read a most bizarrely worded news story about a guy
            who shot 2 colleagues live on a news broadcast & then
            shot  himself.  It  started  off  by  saying  he  was  a
            "disgruntled"  ex-employee  -  "disgruntled"?!  And  he’s
            shooting people. I’d hate to see him in "really pissed off"
            mode.  Then  it  went  on  to  say  "He  had  already  shot  2
            colleagues  before  he  shot  himself"  -  casually  throwing
            that bit of info in as if shooting them was just incidental.
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