Page 385 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 385
*Anxiety attacks and social anxiety
*Feeling guilty and self-critical about under achieving
*Struggling with chronic pain from fibromyalgia &
*Struggling with the depression caused by physical pain
and illness and self-criticism
*Coping with the shock of cancer and the bereavement of
losing a body part
*Investigating my differential diagnosis of PTSD
*Learning coping strategies and pain n time management
skills so I can cope better with my disabilities.....
And that was set in the initial assessment! So it looks like
there’ll be plenty of work to do! I will share any
techniques that might help other people and I am feeling
optimistic and hopeful
28 July 2015
Erm OK I just happened across some Christian Channel
on You Tube with some preacher saying "Don’t send
your guns to us here at the studio after all. We just found
out that’s illegal. Turn them in to your local gun dealer
and then send us the cash." (WTF?!) Doh! I just shoved 2
Smith & Wesson’s in the bloody post
30 July 2015
DOCTORS: Does anyone know how to book an
appointment online? It says on the Surgery website you
can book appointments online but it doesn’t say where or
how? I’ve trawled through every paragraph on every page
and I can’t find a single link or instruction how to do it. I
struggle using the phone cos I’ve only got a pay as u go
mobile so sometimes it’s costing me over a £5 Fiver to