Page 400 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 400

2 October 2015 —
           NOTE  TO  SELF;  You  DO  need  to  use  the  Bath  Seat
            from  Occupational  Health  even  though  it  looks  like
            something  from  a  Granny  Flat  I  have  just  exited  the
            shower via what can only be described as a diving triple
            axel and managed the amazing feat of landing with my
            knee on the floor my foot on the bath and the back of
            my  head on  the  toilet!  I  don’t  think  I could  even draw
            someone in that position! On the bright side, I managed
            to get up off the floor unaided in under 2 minutes which
            is a personal best so..."Every cloud"

           2 October 2015 —
           "Empty desk empty mind" But I think I really should clear
            up my work space now!

           6 October 2015 —
           OCTOBER IS "Stick a Pink Ribbon on it n call it Breast
            Cancer Awareness" Month. I HATE all the Pink. Having
            been  through  breast  cancer  (&  still  experiencing  the
                  horrible effects) I can say there is nothing "Pink" or
            "Pretty" or "Girly" about it. The Pink-Washing has now
            got to the point where breast cancer is on the verge of
            becoming a trendy thing and it’s so miss-leading...

           6 October 2015 —
           This is deeply offensive. If you want an illustration of the
            phrase "Adding Insult to Injury" THIS is it - provided by
            M&S.  So  called  Breast  Cancer  linger,  modelled  by  bald
            headed breast cancer patients and not 1 single bra, nighty
            or  anything  is  suitable  for  a  woman  who  has  lost  her
            breast  to  cancer.  You  can  only  wear  these  pretty,  pink,
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