Page 405 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 405

burning your fingers with the hot glue gun or f***ing up
            the piece of art you’ve been struggling with for 2 days...I
            always seem to choose in favour of my work. (And they
            say nurses have it hard he! he!

           26 October 2015 —
           Mmm, an even hotter glue gun setting - that’ll be good for
            those  tricky  jobs  I  thought.....AAARRRGGHHH
            FF***S SAAAAAYKE OOOOOOOWWW ME F***ing
            hand! AAaaarrrrrgh!!!

           31 October 2015 —
           I  really  want  to  get  my  broomstick  out  and  do  some
            Witching but I feel so shite! I’m sick n tired of feeling
            sick  n  tired!  Last  night  I  was  so  weak  I  couldn’t  even
            manage to get food. I slept all day n night and I’m still
            bloody shattered (and now I’m bloody hungry an, all lol!)
            On the bright side, I am much better off than this time
            last year when I was going through chemo! I soon kicked
            cancers ass and come Monday I’ll have made it to age "40

           1 November 2015 —
           Today  I  went  to  the  tinsel  fest  that  is  the  Webb’s  of
            Wychbold Christmas Decorations department. I felt a bit
            worried ‘cos I was in 2 minds - part of me was enjoying
            all  the  inspiration  for  Christmas  crafts  I  could  create  -
            twice  as  special  &  at  a  fraction  of  the  price  while  the
            other  half  was  thinking  how  bloody  tragic  it  is  that  all
            these  people  are  ooh-ing  and  aah-ing  and  filling  their
            baskets with overpriced, inanimate shiny objects as if the
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