Page 408 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 408
worst possible thing a human can endure! It’s worse than
being in Guantanamo Bay (sorry that’s potentially
offensive), its worse than a slow death in the 3rd world
(no offense intended) - some even think it’s worse than
being made to eat an egg Mc Muffin! (Sorry to offend
sufferers of McDonald’s breakfast) How diluted will our
communication get on the basis of never offending
anyone ever under any circumstances. I can foresee a
time when we all march in time wearing grey boiler suits
and blank expressions (No offense to staff of Tesco’s)
communicating in a series of nondescript sounds. If
you’re offended - just be fuckin offended then! I’m
sometimes pissed off or tired or annoyed or otherwise
emotionally inconvenienced but no one goes into a blind
panic (no offense to the visually impaired) and runs
round (sorry to amputees and wheelchair users) pulling
out all the stops (no offense to stop signs, dislodged
bottle plugs or over worked cart horses and tow bars) to
ensure I don’t have to endure the discomfort of being
offended for a second more. This thought policing has
reached such heights (no offense to sufferers of vertigo
or the vertically challenged) that today, I heard a woman
correct a guy who used the term "Hard working" -
because apparently the term hard working is potentially
offensive to the issue of black slavery. WHAaaaa?! She
cited the example that the only true meaning of the
phrase hard working applies to those who have been
enslaved in cotton fields! and she went on to say no one,
other than this specific group may use the phrase "hard
working" for fear of being offensive to those affected by
slavery. So for the love of God! (No offense to Atheists)
and for the risk of the world degenerating into a bland