Page 406 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 406
more sparkle they buy the more they will fill the void in
their soul. What is it we are all Reeeeaaally searching for
among the plastic gingerbread men and sequined
baubles? Do any of us actually need a iridescent, plastic
peacock? Is it deeply tragic that I’m delighted to have
sourced a length of pink marabou in Hobby craft for a
3rd of the price of a length pf pink marabou being sold
as a "garland" in Webb’s? Or Is it all just a bit of fun &
I’m overthinking it? Is this what they mean by being
bi-polar? Then I realized I’d been holding up a line of
people for 10 minutes so I hurried forward to the cash
register with my pinking shears, bumper pack of glitter
and 10 yards of organza ribbon....
2 November 2015
This time last year was my 40th Birthday and I was pretty
much bed bound most of the time fighting breast cancer
and going through chemotherapy....believe it or not the
year since then has gone pretty fast and now I am cancer
free and have a few inches of hair! And am well enough
to get out n about! So I am very thankful and decided
today will be celebrating 40th Take Two and Kicking
Cancers Ass! To all those still fighting; It DOES END!
You won’t feel like this forever and you can get through
3 November 2015
Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes, cards,
gifts for my Birthday yesterday. I feel so thankful to be
well this year and so thankful that I am an Artist and can
spend lots of my time being creative, feeling inspired and