Page 404 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 404
have sent some to the ironing centre in the past but it
seems super expensive for the ironing (£3+ per item! of
my clothes) and they take ages to get it done - 10+days to
wash n dry 1 bag last time. Anyone know of another
place? Somewhere that can collect n deliver would be
great too.
20 October 2015
I’m feeling a bit like sidekick Simon at the moment.
Absolutely up to my eyes in it, the only handle I’ve got
on the situation is the one stuck to me head and when
anyone turns up I frantically scream "Av ya got any
scissors?! Av ya got any scissors?!..."
22 October 2015
A week on the old HRT n still up at schtewpid o’clock in
the morning having a shower n clean clothes ‘cos of the
night sweats, "Night Sweats" - Sounds like a 70s Disco
band; ("Funky cocaine enthusiasts, the Night Sweats with
their hit single Bra Wash!") but it’s actually just a revolting
hormonal symptom that’s becoming a steering wheel on
me bollox.
22 October 2015
5 down, 6,346 to
26 October 2015
Bloody hell, I’ve got so much to do
I’m writing "To Do" lists of "To Do" lists
26 October 2015
That split second you have to decide between severely