Page 402 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 402
doctor....but now I’m getting advice / instructions from
this doctor I’ve complained about again.
Well I’ve emailed the patient services place with a
breakdown of the situation and in the meantime my GP
has asked me to go in for a "double appointment"
tomorrow - sounds ominous! lol I do have contact details
for PALs but when I worked as an Advocate they used to
contact me for advice so I don’t know how specialist
their knowledge is really. Anyway, "keep taking the
tablets" and my Trick-Psychiatrist is back from a 4 week
holiday tomorrow
14 October 2015
Of a night I feel my most creative and my pain levels are
at their lowest and my concentration n focus is at its
highest but I eventually make myself go to bed ‘cos, you
know, its bed time. I think, I’ll get straight back onto this
exciting, creative project 1st thing in the morning. In the
morning I feel like shite n it’s a torturous endurance test
to sit up, get up, shower, dress, get a drink, clean up the
flat, sort the mail, emails, admin, shop orders, before I
even think about starting my creative activities. Maybe
instead of trying to fit myself around the day to day
norm of work / sleep hours kept I should just go with
my natural body n brain clock?? ?
15 October 2015
TFI Friday tomorrow! I shan’t be sorry to see the back of
this week! Mind you, I pretty much CAN’T see it for the
BIG PILE OF PANTS it seems to have become! Pain &
Sickness levels have been even higher than normal, Gas n