Page 411 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 411
And a music room where I can sing "Bah-Bah ethnic
minority sheep, have you any fair trade wool? Yes sir/
madam or transgender individual, 5p carrier bags full".
27 November 2015
Sometimes I sit in my work room and feel totally
overwhelmed. Having a Manically creative mind inside a
Fibromyalgia body feels like I’m a prisoner trapped inside
myself. No wonder my eyes start leaking sometimes.
Come on Ona, get a grip on yourself.
27 November 2015
Just because the colours show up differently in the daylight
I thought I’d bore people with a few more snaps of my
latest project
27 November 2015
I know colour is open to interpretation but when I
ordered a "Winter White" hanging rail, I really wasn’t
expecting it to be jet black with god streaks! Amazon
product description rating = 0/10 I did mean Gold
(pesky keyboard) but streaks of God would have been
more interesting!
27 November 2015
I walked into a door while loudly proclaiming my own
genius this afternoon. "God’s Vengeance"
29 November 2015
Everyone, my phone isn’t working so if you’re trying to
get hold of me n you can’t don’t worry - it’s just that this
pesky phone won’t come on.