Page 374 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 374
horrible! but a strong response means I’ve created an
image that is provocative in some way) I wanted people
to be almost able to "feel" the honey dripping down. I
did do a Vampireish one a while ago.
3 July 2015
Inspired by the Creative, Life Giving, Abundant properties
of Femininity...
I have been hearing from certain circles that we are
moving into a more "Feminine" era. An era of nurturing
and a circular model of living - sharing and community
rather than the pyramid model of living - authority from
the top down. I’ve also been looking at how females are
depicted in pop culture. So called! "Girl Power" - often
means women being depicted as aggressive characters -
comic book super women and Mad Max style warriors.
Many of the popular designs in fashion currently are also
destructive, aggressive emblems such as skulls, upside
down crosses, Ram’s Heads... It’s all inspired me to create
some images that counter the popular deathly &
destructive emblems currently trending and illustrate the
more life giving, abundant, nurturing, qualities of the
Feminine. Does power have to be aggressive? This is the
first image on this theme representing Queen Bees, Royal
Jelly, the Alchemy that is Honey - a rich, healing,
nourishing golden nectar of the "Divine Feminine" *
*(I should mention this isn’t a serious political statement -
just an interesting idea and I am aware I have still,
potentially, depicted this woman as a rather sexy