Page 363 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 363
4 May 2015
Well we already have a great opening contender for
weirdest thing overheard on the Hospital ward. Nurse to
Patient "Just let me put a shoe on one of your hands".
Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence!
4 May 2015
Ok all please send positive energy that this is just
something they can clear with antibiotics and I don’t need
surgery. Thanks Everyone! These pictures aren’t just
going to paint themselves after all
5 May 2015
Chuuuriste! This Hospital stay is testing even my dark
sense of humour now. I’m really struggling to see the
funny side of being sat alone in the world’s least
comfortable bed, with an excruciatingly painful boob
being periodically disturbed with sharp jabs and foul
smelling mystery food style objects. FFS One of the
buttons on this bed must be the suicide trigger!
6 May 2015
Its War Time Style make do n mend and waste not want
not here in the NHS. We’re at the point of
trading functioning cups for safe drinking water. I’ve
got a cup but no water, the lady opposite’s managed to
ration a bit of water out but her cups got a hole in the
bottom. We have managed to unearth 1 plastic spoon
between us.... Times are ‘ard.
The results from the antibiotics and tests are all good and
indicating that it’s just a skin infection as opposed to an