Page 462 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 462
3 August 2016
I’ve had a few messages asking me to join in a viral
Facebook status game in order to fight Breast Cancer. It
says only girls are allowed and it mentions the game that
was done last year where all the girls had to post what
colour their bra was. (I didn’t even know that was
anything to do with breast cancer - I just thought it was a
trending game) I’m not sure who started this off but I do
have a couple of questions about it;
1. How does this help fight Breast Cancer?
2. Why does it specifically exclude Men? When this is
NOT a Cancer that exclusively effects women?
(Men can get breast Cancer as well and it can be especially
dangerous for them due to the lesser amount of breast
tissue they have.)
6 August 2016
"I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for
whom I am not." I have ace friends. Lots of people don’t
like me but the ones who do, like me because of who I
really, authentically am and I think that’s ace!
7 August 2016
This village is dangerous. You pop out for a loaf at
5.30pm and end up pouring yourself back through your
own letter box in liquid form at schtewpid o clock in the
11 August 2016
I was having a dress rehearsal for The Great Gatsby event
when my Amazon delivery man turned up. He looked
Sooooo impressed when I answered the door on a