Page 458 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 458

short  bread  fingers  and  Prosecco  Combo  for  dinner
            tonight. My neighbours must think I’ve got ever such a
            lot to celebrate the amount of times they must’ve heard
            corks popping in my house. My recycling bin sounds like
            Tesco’s bottle bank.

           16 July 2016 —
           I  have  the  BEST  friends  in  the  World!  THANK  YOU
            Soooooo much for moving me again today. I genuinely,
            really appreciate it and I will do anything I can to help
            you. I’m so lucky to have such caring, supportive friends.
            If  I  have  missed  anyone's  name  off  its  not  because  I
            don’t appreciate you - it’s because I have the brain power
            of a lobotomized Muppet on all these meds!

           17 July 2016 —
           I feel more at home on my 1st night in the new flat than I
            ever did after 2 months in the old house! Good sign.

           22 July 2016 —
           Well,  2  hours  clucking  for  Tramadol  in  the  Doctors
            Surgery, spent sitting next to a bloke having a rather loud
            psychotic break down while the dispensary tried to find
            all  the  prescriptions  they’d  "miss-placed",  really  hasn't
            helped me get my shit together tonight! Although I did
            learn  from  the  raving  bloke  next  to  me  that  the  Dr  is
            from a different planet and travels interdimensional, that
            explains  a  lot!  The  whole  of  early  doors  drinking  time
            wasted, rocking on a plastic chair as a captive audience to
            a  man  intent  on  telling  me  all about  his  time  travelling
            pursuits,  &  how  to  protect  yourself  from  all  the  local
            witches  who  put  curses  on  people  (I  reckon  I  might
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