Page 456 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 456
3 July 2016
"Trump says Mexico is the new China - well he hasn't
thought that through cos Tupperware’s the new china."
4 July 2016
Just got this text; "Following your recent visit to a Worces-
tershire NHS Hospital would you recommend a friend?"
What a bizarrely inappropriate question! Like I'm going to
say "Looking for a great day out? Why not try the
oncology unit at Worcester Hospital. The waitress service
is crap & the foods inedible but there's a bustling
atmosphere and no shortage of free leaflets. Why go to
Alton Towers when The Alex Hospital Redditch is right
on your door step! Don’t waste money taking your kids
to Disneyland! Just bring them along to Hill Crest
Psychiatric Unit!"
8 July 2016
UP-DATE! Following my struggles in this house (which
I’m sure all of you have thoroughly enjoyed reading
about here every day! TOUCH WOOD - I think I have
managed to obtain a ground floor flat! THANK YOU
ever so much to everyone who has been on the lookout
for flats for me! THANK YOU to everyone who has
helped me to cope with the problems I’ve had here - such
as helping to move me, helping by moving my stuff up n
down the stairs, doing my laundry, offering household
stuff etc. etc. and THANK YOU everyone who helped
me move in here. It was a bit of "fun and games"
condensing a huge house full of antique furniture into a
tiny terraced cottage with death trap style stairs!
Sometime in the next 2 to 3 weeks I will need to