Page 451 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 451

4 June 2016 —
           NARCISSISTS:  Some  of  us  were  talking  on  Facebook
            about  Narcissistic  Personality  Disorder,  Narcissists  and
            abusive relationships with Narcissists etc. Narcissists try
            to  destroy  your  life  with  lies  because  theirs  can  be
            destroyed with the truth.

           6 June 2016 —
           Oh goodie gum drops - now me remaining boob is hurting
            n feeling a bit swollen - let’s hope it isn’t the breast cancer
            again and it’s just a bit of a pain in the tit to go with all
            the  ball-aches  n  pains  in  the  arse  I’m  having  at  the
            moment! Lol
           They  examined  it  and  said  "hmmm,.....  erm?....  well.......
            mmmmm?.. Not sure so referred back to the surgeon I
            was "under" (ooh er Mrs!) with me other boob. They’ve
            faxed him tonight n I’ve got to ring up tomorrow and see
            when I need to go down for a scan so fingers crossed...

           8 June 2016 —
           Due to Popular Demand- A "Top Ten" of unappreciated
            things people have said to me about my art...
           * I don’t think it would go with my carpet.
           * Have you thought of selling it down the car boot?
           * You can get art much cheaper in Matalan / Primark /
           * You know your usual style? Well, I don’t want it to be
            anything like that
           * Could you copy this painting for me?
           *  Obviously  I  can’t  pay  you  but  you  could  do  it  for  the
            experience  /  the  exposure  /  the  practice  /  your
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