Page 450 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 450
a life....Perhaps the very opposite of fighting, killing and
destroying. I wondered if there was a way to depict the
female as powerful but in an abundant, life giving way as
opposed to a destructive force. . . . .
. . . . I also thought about females in nature, the animal
kingdom and even in a more abstract, spiritual context
and I kept being drawn to the idea of Bees and how Bees
have a "Queen" - a lead female if you will - and they
create some of the most nourishing, precious "elixir"
known to man; Honey & "Royal Jelly" - treasured by
many different cultures over time and distance. Used for
its healing, life giving, health boosting, properties. Very
precious and created under the lead of a female - a
"Queen Bee", Queen Bees, Royal Jelly and Honey seemed
a beautiful symbol for life giving power arising from the
Therefore I combined the images of Queen Bees and
Honey with a female figure / face. I decided to depict the
woman actually saturated in honey - literally dripping in it
as a sign of abundance. Loads of Honey dripping over
the mouth to suggest an absolute bounty of
nourishment, covered in precious, golden, life giving,
feminine, energy. I tried to give the lady in the picture a
very strong yet peaceful expression. It was a challenge to
try and make her look strong and powerful, but not in an
aggressive or destructive way. I hope her eyes have a
strong gaze that hold the viewer into her power. You will
see I also placed the emblem of a crown on her skin to
symbolize Royalty.
So this image, for me, is a representation of how the
female can be extremely strong & powerful but in a
creative, life giving and constructive way."