Page 447 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 447
a week, every week for the past decade! When I pressed
them on why they found it suspicious they said there
wasn’t really anything suspicious at all - they just
randomly decline peoples cards every now n then. Oh
brilliant. So you’ve caused me a gigantic pain in the arse
for 3 days, wasted literally hours of my time, worried me
to death, cost me money in phone calls and all sorts an
majorly inconvenienced my life for several days "at
random". I might start handing out lollipops and ass
whooping’s at random - and I’m all out of lollipops!! FFS
3 May 2016
This old one just popped up. It
feels even more relevant since
my operation.
See your memories
24 May 2016
On Fibro and Chronic Pain
Support. Getting up, showered,
dressed, hair done AND make
up on is a long, arduous,
painful task that uses up a massive amount of precious
time and energy....and the irony of it is, the harder you’ve
worked to make yourself look good, the worse you
physically feel but the better people THINK you must
feel. Your well-groomed and made up appearance really
hides your illness. One of the things that I find hardest
about having this chronic pain and illness is people don’t
understand it or even BELIEVE you have it ‘cos your
appearance is so deceptive.