Page 452 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 452

* What do you think of all that "modern art" though?
           * Don’t spend too long on it cos I don’t want to spend
            much. / Can you just do a rough / less detailed version
            so I can get it cheaper?
           *  That’s  not  going  to  match  with  many  peoples  decor
            though is it?
           * Can you paint my dog from this photo? That’s him in the
            background just behind the tree.

           9 June 2016 —
           Looked in the mirror this morning and thought "I need a
            make-over"....looked  at  the  photos  of  myself  this
            afternoon  and  thought  "Make-Over?!  I  need  a  bloody
           (Mmmm, I’ll work on it. Might try some new looks.......)

           10 June 2016 —
           A part of me I really dislike really
            DOES  Like  Donald  Trump!
            (Maybe I harbour secret desires to
            be  able  to  FLAMBOYANTLY!
            behave like a dick whilst being so
            far up my own arse as not to care and so privileged as to
            get away with it...)
           I  suppose  this  doodle  was  so  obvious  I  couldn’t  resist
            drawing it just for fun. A little Banksyesque I guess.

           15 June 2016 —
           OK I’ve made 3 separate attempts to put a bra on today
            and it’s just so excruciatingly painful - tight elastic, wire,
            metal  nylon  rubbing  and  digging  into  my  scar  and  red
            raw skin - I’ve given up so apologies in advance if anyone
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