Page 455 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 455

27 June 2016 —
           Oh,  I  didn't  get  the  memo  that  it’s  National  Armchair
            Politician Day but alright then, if all the other kids are
            doing  it.  As  we're  having  a  whip  round  of  general
            opinions,  here’s  my  2  pence  worth;  the  easiest  way  to
            defeat your enemies is to pit them against each other and
            let them kill each other for you. Divided people fall and
            weak, corrupt leaders lead by division so weather you're
            In, out or shake it all about DON'T let us fight among
            ourselves! Or we're walking right into their trap. (I don't
            think our votes make any difference what so ever anyway.
            They're a facade to give us the impression we have a say.
            People being arrested for handing out pens at pencil only
            polling stations?! OK then. What kind of democracy is it
            where you can choose but only from the microscopic set
            of options they allow you to pick from?! That’s a Pseudo
            Democracy.  That’s  like  when  I  offer  my  nephew  the
            choice between either of the 2 things I WANT him to
            have for dinner. It’s a false choice offered just to pacify
            him  and,  he’s  an  11yr  old  Autistic  Boy  and  even  HE
            doesn't  fall  for  that  anymore!)  So  that’s  my  2  pence
            worth.  Maybe  if  we  all  put  our  2  pence  in  we'll  have
            enough  to  get  outa  the  double  dip,  credit  crunch
            recession! PS: Does this meet with your requirements?

           29 June 2016 —
           I’ve been giving a lot of thought about
            what  to  wear  this  Gatsby  dress  with
            and  I’ve  decided  to  wear  it  with
            "contempt". Have I got time to do me
            roots?  No  pop  no  style.  I’m  strictly
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