Page 443 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 443
around me while I’ve had my back turned. I can’t leave
you for 5 minutes can I?
20 April 2016
Flippin’ eck you can see me roots from google earth! Why
do they only sell Blue Rinse in the local chemist?
21 April 2016
HELP? Is anyone around on Saturday to help me move
me from Bromyard back to Astwood Bank? We have a
van but we just need some more, fit, strong bodies to lift
n shift furniture. I’m fairly useless as it is with me Fibro
and I can’t lift at all since my Cancer operation. I’m a bit
skint but I can give you a few quid for helping and get us
a few drinks &/or a take away or whatever. THANK
YOU so much! PS: When I’m as rich and famous as
Damien Hurst I will remember all those who helped me
on the way up and reward them accordingly lol!
22 April 2016
I’m feeling nervous and stressed. Overwhelmed by
everything I’ve got to do. Another house move over a
long distance relying on friends to help transport n move
me. More Hospital appointments post Cancer.
Complaints & actions ongoing re the horrendous
treatment I’ve already had. So skint I’m thinking of
selling a kidney on eBay and spinning plates financially.
No phone. In a total pickle paperwork & correspondence
wise. Been ill with throat / chest / eye infection: Feeling
emotionally fragile from everything that’s been going on
and exacerbated by tactless, hurtful remarks from
people...Sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees