Page 440 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 440

to be removed as an emergency due to getting infected
            and I can’t help but wonder if that was, at least in part
            due to the filthy dirtiness of the hospital. There wasn’t
            even  enough  drinking  water  to  go  round  let  alone  any
            facilities  for  a  wash  or  a  shower  and  there  was  literally
            blood, sick and other unmentionables all over the walls n
            floors in the "bathrooms". Now I’m just left disfigured
            and  haven’t  heard  from  a  Doctor  or  nurse  for  many
            months.....I’m  trying  to  save  up  for  a  breast
            reconstruction  private  but  I’ve  been  quoted  around
            £5000.  I  think  they  should  also  provide  a  bit  of
            counselling or support to help you cope when you’ve lost
            a body part such as this too. I did ask the nurse a couple
            of questions on a number of occasions about things that
            worried  me  about  having  a  boob  missing  but  she  just
            laughed at me. Great! Please God let me be able to get
            the reconstruction sorted soon!

           4 April 2016 —
           ....still  struggling  to  get  my  tax  refund  off  the
            council....suddenly  they  aren’t  getting  emails  and  can’t
            find a record of me and need me to send my bank details
            and  council  tax  account  number  again  and  again  and
            again and again.......hurry RBC, your incurring interest!
           Redditch  Borough  Council  has  managed  to  devise  their
            own system of Maths that defies the Mathematical rules
            of the whole of the rest of the universe! God those guys
            are Geniuses!

           16 April 2016 —
           Urrrggh  God!  Started  with  a  throat  infection  -  then  it
            seemed to go onto my chest. Not too bad to cope with in
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