Page 436 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 436

I don’t know if it was the right decision to move here or
            not. It’s a lovely place and a nice big, bright studio space
            for my Art but I didn’t realize how hard I would find it
            getting around. I’m realizing how bad my mobility is in
            this  big  place.  I  hoped  a  big  place  would  prevent  my
            disabilities getting worse but maybe I’m trying to do too
            much - perhaps I should have stayed in the village n got a
            ground  floor  place,  maybe  even  with  a  garden  where  I
            could have my service dog. I always try to push myself n
            do my best but sometimes, even with the best will in the
            world some things are beyond capability.

           I suppose I have thought of the "ideal" scenario and then
            thought if I put myself in it I will be eventually able to
            get well enough and strong enough to actually manage it
            and live it but so far, it just feels like it’s too much to cope
            with and I’m spending more of my time trying to manage
            daily tasks than being able to do my art. I always feel a
            pressure  from  others  that  somehow  if  I  tried  hard
            enough I could do things but that doesn’t seem to prove
            true when it comes to physical disability.

           15 March 2016 —
           Oooh  I  can  never  focus  or  get  on  with  jobs  when  I’m
            freezing cold n it’s ever so hard to heat this huge place! I
            love rambling, gothic mansions but I’d like one with gas
            central heating!

           16 March 2016 —
           Horrible nightmare last night where I kept trying to help
            and  look  after  dogs  and  they  kept  turning  on  me  and
            biting me in the back! What’s that all about?
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