Page 431 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 431
I don’t know why I look so miserable about being taken
out for lunch! HA! It’s hard to effect a smile on your own
for a selfie - and there’s no way I’m doing "duck lips" I’d
rather have "Resting bitch face" ha ha ha
12 February 2016
I know this is a totally random comment but that new
mascara / eye liner by "Cheryl" for L’Oriel - I’m thinking
if it looks that crap on the commercial, imagine how
pants it must be in real life! Clumpy, lumpy, "spider leg"
mascara and then a big, fat pen tip that looks like it drags
and pulls on the skin and makes for an overly thick,
wonky line. Everything you DON’T want in a mascara
and eyeliner encapsulated in one product!
13 February 2016
OMG!! I get frustrated when people don’t accept or
understand my health problems and disabilities but I can
partly understand that my conditions are very "hidden"
or "invisible" as they say, but I’m just watching a
documentary about a bloke who’s charging seriously
disabled people - including blind people and those with
cerebral palsy who use wheel chairs - £1000s for a
training course where he tries to convince them that if
they try hard enough they’ll be able to see, walk,
whatever. This young guy has cerebral palsy that seriously
disables him since birth; he uses a wheel chair and has
never walked. This bloke is telling the lads parents that he
is just LAZY (!?!?!?) and if he tried harder and did
exercises he’d be able to get out of the wheel chair and
walk! ....and which is more, the parents are taking it on
board! Whilst the poor lad sits there, in his wheelchair