Page 429 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 429
and I want it set up asap!
4 February 2016
Oh For F***s............!! I’m not happy!
Finally chose PlusNet+ for the internet at my new pad and
the very soonest they can put it in is 9th March (?!) WTF?
I even offered to pay extra for a sooner date. Can anyone
recommend someone else? I can’t have no internet for
weeks on end and just leave all my customers wondering
where the eck I am. Frankly I’m not H.P! Trying to
organise a new internet provider is like trying to eat your
own brains with a paper spoon! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
5 February 2016
830pm and I’m still struggling with phone and broadband
for new place. I’ve tried BT, BT Open reach, TalkTalk,
PlusNet, SKY, SSE, Virgin and more. I am watching
myself from above, the pattern on my arm chair has
come to life and is taunting me, I’ve been on hold so long
I can still hear the hold music even when the phones
switched off and in another room, I’m sleep, food, toilet
and medication deprived and no further forward. Please
God make it stop! Apparently the fact that the building
USED to be a Bank and is NOW a flat is so mind
exploding shocking to BT and all service providers that
their ordering systems and "Agents" go into a demented
state of total meltdown and cannot possibly conceive of
installing phone or internet there and just cease to
function. I get the impression some of them even think
I’m a professional con artist trying to infiltrate HSBC! I
think I might lie down now........