Page 432 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 432

looking  totally  bewildered.  Face  Palm.  Absolute
            Face-palm. How can these people sleep at night?

           14 February 2016 —
           So  I’ve  heard  that  E-On  (who  I  despise  for  my  own,
            personal reasons) - the electricity provider entered into an
            arrangement  with  "Age  UK  (this  used  to be  "Help  the
            Aged" and "Age Concern" but they merged and formed
            Age UK) E-On donated money to Age UK and in return
            Age  UK  recommends  E-On  to  their  service  users  -
            namely  the  elderly  -  in  particular  vulnerable  elderly
            people. Elderly and vulnerable people have assumed that
            Age  UK  will  be  recommending  the  cheapest  &  best
            electric  supplier  to  them  and  going  with  E-On  on  the
            basis that they are recommended by Age UK but this is
            far from the case - they are nowhere near the cheapest
            and  certainly  not  the  best  in  terms  of  service  so
            thousands  of  vulnerable,  elderly  people  have  been  left
            paying over the odds, getting into financial difficulty and
            being  treated  poorly  by  an  overpriced,  substandard
            energy supplier, not to mention becoming ill through lack
            of heating and hot water.... what do you think about this?
            Should we just be grateful for the money donated or is it
            a very cynical ploy on E-On’s part? Should Age UK be
            vetting their funders more carefully? And certainly vetting
            who  they  recommend  more  carefully?  Aren’t  charitable
            organisations  main  aim’s  to  empower  and  protect  the
            people they represent? (In this case the elderly) or is their
            main concern to raise money? Do you think this is fine?
            Or do you think this is wrong? If you think it’s wrong,
            you can sign the petition to refund the vulnerable older
            people affected
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