Page 433 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 433
I personally dislike E-On because as well as overcharging,
when I became especially ill and lost my job due to
serious illness they sent people round to my home
harassing me for the small amount of money I owed and,
amongst lots of other inappropriate things, the MEN
they sent to intimidate me in my home
16 February 2016
Last appointment with the Trick-cyclist today! They have
referred me for "eye movement therapy" when I move.
Sounds weird but I think I’ve heard people say it works
so I’ll give it a go - even if I look mad doing it, ha ha ha!
16 February 2016
Feeling "Happy Sad" lol: Leaving my last psychology
appointment with my current psychologist. Amazing how
different I feel today from when I went in on my 1st
appointment. It’s been very tough at times but had a very
positive impact and its quote sad to say goodbye to
someone who has helped me every week for a year with
the most emotional aspects of my life x
18 February 2016
Just ordered a Duck Down Duvet which is described on
Amazon as having a "Special protective cover so you
don’t feel a prick". How dare they suggest I feel a prick!
21 February 2016
Now the unpacking! I’ve moved. Got no internet yet, just
managing to get Facebook on my phone a few seconds at
a time cos me batteries conked out n me chargers broke
so don’t panic if I go off radar for a bit.