Page 437 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 437

I think maybe it speaks of someone "Biting the hand that
            feeds them" - Like when you really do as much as you
            can to help someone and then they throw it in your face
            or stab you in the back.

           22 March 2016 —
           I drew a picture of an Angel
            crying last week and, sadly, in
            light  of  recent  events  it
            seems  even  more  apt  now.
            I’m  so  sorry  Mary  has
            passed. The village of has lost an extremely popular and
            well respected member of the community along with all
            the extended relatives of their long established, devoted
            family have lost a great Matriarch. I feel really honoured
            and  grateful  that  and  her  family  have  included  and
            welcomed me. They support me so much and help me in
            so  many  ways.  I  really  hope  that  I  will  be  able  to  do
            something  -  anything  -  to  help  them  through  such  a
            difficult  time  and  I  wish  I  could  do  something  to  ease
            their sorrow and assist them with coming to terms with
            their loss, mourning Mary’s passing and celebrating and
            remembering  her  life  which  had  such  a  huge,  positive
            impact on so many. Mary’s roots are very long standing
            and the branches of her family tree reach far and wide
            and touch so many with love & friendship. Please call on
            me for anything you want or need, no matter how big or
            small. All my Love Ona
           Well it’s difficult to find the right words for things like this
            - that’s why I do so much Art because I can normally say
            more with an image than I can with words - so I’m glad
            people have been able to relate to this.
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