Page 439 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 439

The Post  Orrifice  and  The  Alex  Hostipal are  on  there,
            among others.

           2 April 2016 —
           Ooh I see Dior have a new Poison out - might have to try
            it…  (Although  the  packaging  suggests  it  may  be  a  bit
            pink  n  girly  for  me.  Might  end  up  sticking  with  the
            Midnight edition)

           3 April 2016 —
           I  seem  to  be  getting  more  distressed  about  missing  1
            breast  instead  of  getting  used  to  it.  I’m  having  more
            nightmares about it now and I feel horrible every time I
            get ready to get dressed up to go out, have to wear a bra
            and padding just to pop to the shop, think out looking
            nice  or  ever  meeting  someone....this  subject  seems  to
            come  up  every  day...and  I’m  so  pissed  off  that  the
            Doctors made out it would be such a minor impact on
            me  at  the  start.  They’d  just  do  an  implant  at  the  same
            time as my operation so I’d never be left with nothing - It
            was almost light hearted - you’ll have an implant straight
            away so it’ll all look fine. You could even have the other
            breast altered to match better with the implant one....all
            sorted! I know perhaps they didn’t want to upset me too
            much  right  off  the  bat  but  they  made  it  seem  a  much
            better, easier scenario than what it really was. They totally
            underplayed  it,  which  doesn’t  actually  help  you  to  deal
            with the situation. In reality it was nothing like that what
            so  ever.  What’s  worse  is  I’ve  heard  about  other  people
            being told exactly the same thing as I was and feeling like
            - oh it’ll be nothing - and I think it’s unfair on people.
           The implant never even looked convincing and then had
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