Page 444 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 444
and even when each trees is only a small irritation, when
there’s a load of them all at once they all pile up into an
overwhelming mountain. Feeling a bit fragile: Please
maintain a safe distance and keep your arms and legs
behind the safety barriers until I have come to a complete
stand still! (PS: THANK YOU to my friends who have
agreed to help me move. I really appreciate it & please be
forewarned I will probably be a useless div head!)
23 April 2016
Struggling already and I ain’t even out of bed yet!
Urrrrrghhh!!! Pick a different day Fibromyalgia!
23 April 2016
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your amazing work today!
You all worked so hard and did such an unbelievably
efficient job. I’m sure you’ve all got much better ways to
spend your Saturday so I actually feel quite honoured that
you chose to spend today helping me. Just remember, as I
move towards being a famous, millionaire Artist I’m
"taking names" and you guys will be on the top of the
reward list!
24 April 2016
When I left my old place I left it immaculately clean. Went
into the new place and it’s pretty filthy -there’s even a pile
of broken glass among the dirt on the kitchen floor.
Looks like a major cleaning session will be the 1st job!
24 April 2016
How shall I ever repay people? I’m overwhelmed by
people’s kindness. Thank you so much to everyone who