Page 446 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 446

transport they respond "In that case you can either ring
            us on the phone or go to a branch" If anyone hears a
            loud  scream  followed  by  a  crash  it’ll  be  me  throwing
            myself of a cliff!!

           Barclays "You need to get a mobile phone" Me: "I can’t get
            a mobile phone cos you keep declining my card" Barclays
            "Well you need to buy a mobile phone and then ring us
            or use mobile banking to unblock the card" Me "But how
            can I buy the phone if you’re declining my card?" ......and
            on and on and on.... "There’s a hole in my bucket Dear
            Liza, dear Liza..."

           28 April 2016 —
           Talking  to  Barclays  today  I  began  to  have  absolute
            empathy and understanding for why people crack under
            interrogation in places like Guantanamo Bay.

           29 April 2016 —
           I’m so sick n tire of struggling all the time. Got no heating
            or  hot  water  in  me  new  place  -  it’s  absolutely  freezing
            cold and I can’t have a bath or a shower or even clean
            anything. My bank cards still blocked for no good reason
            so I’ve got no way to pay for anything. No phone and I
            can’t buy a phone cos of me bank card being stopped.
            No internet. For crying out loud, meet me half way God!

           29 April 2016 —
           Sooo,  Barclays  have  stopped  my  card  because  I  made  a
            "suspicious"  purchase  from  Tesco’s.  Quite  what’s
            suspicious about placing a Tesco order I have no idea -
            especially since I’ve purchased from Tesco’s at least once
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