Page 445 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 445

has helped me with my move. I sometimes wonder how
            on earth I can return the favours people do for me and I
            feel quite taken aback by the amount of support people
            give me. THANK YOU!

           25 April 2016 —
           This ain’t just going to be a 15 minutes with a damp cloth
            job. What T F Kind of "person" "Relieves themselves" in
            the corner of a toilet next to the skirting board and then
            just shoves some crumpled tissue over it?! I don’t know
            about me cross over pinny and me head scarf - I might
            need  a  vintage  style,  floral  Haz-Mat  Suit  at  this  rate!
            Thank you all the wonderful, kind, generous friends who
            have helped me and lent me stuff and offered to lift and
            clean  and  everything.  In  the  nice  weather  I  will  have  a
            THANK  YOU  /  Home-Coming  /  Cancer  Free
            Celebration Bar-B-Q & Garden Party and everyone can
            come round!!

           28 April 2016 —
           Is it going to be one of them effing days? AGAIN?! Me
            phones packed up, me bank cards being declined so the
            phone I ordered off Amazon yesterday hasn’t been sent,
            I’ve got Virgin telling me I’ve got to wait 18 days before
            getting connected while they try to contact the previous
            occupier AT my address - I’m on to a trained chimp at
            Barclays telling me to click on the "Inbox" button which
            is easy to spot because its "Invisible" FFS!!!! The stuff I
            waited in for 10 hours for yesterday still hasn’t turned up
            (but they have taken the payment for it plus the extra £8
            for "next day delivery" and when I tell Barclays I need to
            sort everything out on line cos I’ve got to phone and no
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