Page 442 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 442

new  heights  this  morning.  I  wish  I  had  a  phone  so  I
            could show you a selfie but you’ll have to make do with a
            description; Think Shirley Temple the Goth era crossed
            with Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!

           20 April 2016 —
           Most of you know I haven’t had a TV for a few years &
            often people say "Don’t you miss it?" or "Why not?"....or
            EVEN  "What  does  all  your  furniture  point
            towards?" (Yes really! FFS!) I’ve managed to catch some
            TV  lately  and  within  a  few  days  I’ve  seen  Midsummer
            Murder  realisations  where  the  detective’s  wife  seems  to
            be the most multi-talented all singing all dancing all acting
            most  accomplished  woman  in  the  World.  Apparently
            D.C.I  Barnaby’s  Wife  has  an  acting  role  in  any  film  or
            stage production where there’s ever been a murder and if
            she’s  not  acting  she’s  running  the  W.I,  organizing  the
            flower club, attending the book group, taking part in the
            sewing  circle,  supervising  water  colour  classes  &
            volunteering in the library all whilst helping her husband
            fight crime in her "spare" time! I’m looking forward to
            the episode set in a Circus so we can see her trapeze and
            fire  eating  skills.  I’ve  also  seen  George  Galloway
            pretending to be a cat - an image I will have to have extra
            counselling to overcome the trauma of, a load of Geordie
            chavs rioting, weeing and vomiting all over each other, a
            bloke enacting a story about a chicken with the help of a
            rubber  toy  to  a  baffled  theatre  audience  and  even  a
            subnormal  young  man  horrifically  self-harming  buy
            shoving  a  lit  firework  up  his  own  back  side....  No.  I
            haven’t  missed  it  and  my  recent  glimpse  of  TV  has
            demonstrated that the Idiot Apocalypse has occurred all
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