Page 438 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 438
28 March 2016
"2 Day Aged limb pain, Finest medication withdrawal
induced shakes, swelling waves of nausea, relentless
unbalancing dizziness and uncontrollable restless leg
syndrome drizzled with paranoia and served with a lavish
helping of anxiety on a bed of cold sweat - this isn’t just
ANY Hangover - this is a Fibromyalgia Hangover!"
31 March 2016
Got a horrible feeling I might have to sell my amazing,
Marie Antoinette style wardrobe. Gutting because 1 I
LOVE it and 2 It cost me £500. I’ve never spent that on
anything before. Just deciding what to do - maybe eBay,
maybe try n sell it on Facebook - It’ll definitely have to be
"collection only" cos its huge - although it does break
down into 5 pieces; Top coving, base and 3 wardrobe
sections. Any ideas, thoughts, anyone interested comment
or message......
1 April 2016
Redditch Council has owed me a Tax refund for over 6
weeks. They were supposed to pay it within the 1st 10
days. Suddenly they’re unavailable n aren’t answering mes-
sages n can’t find my account n yada yada yada - be a
different story if I owed them wouldn’t it! I’m pretty sure
I wouldn’t get away for a month n a half evading
payment. Robbing *******s!
I’m in a bit of a chaotic state at the mo., but I have actually
compiled a "Hit List" of all the organisations who are
going to feel my wrath whether it is in the form of being
sued, reported, petitioned against or what. Shittish Gas,